MaRCH 1-18, 2017



 IVO traveled to Zambia in March 2017. Dr. Huang performed surgery for 2 weeks in a free clinic at Zimba Mission Hospital in the town of Zimba, Zambia.

The clinic draws patients from hundreds of miles as it is one of the only free eye care clinics in the country. Many Zambians suffer from severe, dense cataracts and corneal issues because of the strong sun and lack of free health care- something we sometimes take for granted in Canada. For many people, the clinic, which is open 3-4 times per year, is the only hope to regain their eyesight.

While Dr. Huang was in the clinic, Katie and Stephen partnered with Kocebuca Foundation- a local charity that focuses on marginalized and vulnerable groups. They worked with teachers in local schools to bring computer education and environmental/ climate change education.